Dr Zana Marovic, Phd

Clinical Psychologist, Johannesburg

CPD Supervision

CPD Supervision

Supervision is a process whereby a psychotherapist consults with a more experienced practitioner in the field in order to draw on their wisdom and expertise to enhance his or her practice. Supervision has the well-being and protection of the supervises clients as its core concern by enhancing a supervises skills and monitoring ethical practice.

Supervision of a trainee therapist (training supervision) may differ from consultative supervision were a more experienced supervisor provides supervision for a fully qualified colleague. Training supervision may place more emphasis on learning and monitoring tasks, whereas consultative supervision may become more of a collegial discussion.

All registered psychologists are required to accumulate 60 CPD points per 24 month period including 10 CPD points in ethics.

The supervision I provide has been CEU accredited  (including CEUs for ethics).


My approach

I am HPCSA accredited supervisor. I offer individual and group supervision to psychotherapists.

Between 1994 and 2000 I was responsible for supervision of UNISA and UJ psychology interns during their one year internship.

My training in supervision: In 1995 I completed a course in supervision from the University of Rochester, New York. This course was focused on integration of professional and personal selves of the supervisor. In 1997 I attended workshop on using oneself with Dr Mony Elkaim in Israel. In 1998 I spent a month in Rome, Italy in Practicum for Therapists with Prof. Mauricio Andlofi working on integration of personal and professional selves. In 2000 I participated in two workshops: “Supervision: A parallel process with therapy” by F. Kaslow and “Supervision” by Dr E. Jones in Oslo, Norway. In 2001 I attended workshop “Special Issues in Training and Supervision of Trainers and Advanced Family Therapists” by Dr N. Rubinstein in Budapest, Hungary. Since 2000 and moving into full-time private practice I do consultative supervision with qualified colleagues.

My paper Cybernetics of Supervision: A Developmental Perspective, published in 2010 is available for download here.

My book The Emergence of a Supervisor: Integrating Professional and Personal Selves of the Therapist, published in 2011 is available on Amazon here.

My philosophy of supervision is firmly based within a holistic and integrative approach. I see supervision as a discipline, which reaches beyond any one school of psychotherapy.

My approach is drawing from a variety of my trainings and paradigms:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Family and Couple Systems Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Theory of Cybernetics and Quantum Physics
  • Yoga
  • Transpersonal Therapy

I support colleagues in developing their own individual style.

Beyond oversight of therapeutic work and advice on building and maintaining a practice, I seek to facilitate professional development and personal fulfillment within a stimulating supervisory relationship.

Supervision of the Self

This type of supervision with unique focus provides you with a supervision experience that intends to help you:

  • Understand the “map” acquired in your family of origin that led you to the work in healing;
  • Discover internal resources for your clinical work in both the gifts and burdens of your childhood;
  • Increase your ability to use your Self — the “Self of the therapist” — as your own “Inner Supervisor;”
  • Recognize when transference and projection, yours and your clients’, are influencing the therapy and discover how to use it creatively;
  • Integrate professional and personal selves.